Resources for Parents and Carers
This short resource, supported by Children 1st, aims to leave parents and carers feeling more confident in discussing smoking with the young people in their care.
Whether you’re worried your teen might be smoking, or just want to equip them with the confidence to stay smoke-free this guide gives parents and carers helpful hints, tips and information to talk to teens about smoking.
Protect your family from smoke in your home and car
For information about how to protect your family from tobacco smoke at home and in the car download the free ASH Scotland guide:Â Protect your family from tobacco smoke in your home and car.
Take it right outside, from NHS Inform, also offers guidance on how you can keep your home smoke-free.
Get support with quitting smoking
Get free advice and support from NHS trained advisors at Quit Your Way
Support someone who is quitting
Encourage and support someone you know to stop smoking with Quit Your Way
Parents and carers
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