Tobacco-free Schools Resources

By reviewing and updating the way tobacco education is delivered in school you can actively promote a smoke-free culture in your school.

ASH Scotland's tobacco-free schools resources are linked to the Curriculum for Excellence and include a range of practical tools to deliver high quality education on smoking, health and wellbeing.

Tobacco-free schools resource pack

All of our resources are designed to equip young people with the skills and confidence to make responsible decisions on smoking and their health and wellbeing.

The tobacco-free schools resource pack addresses a range of themes including e-cigarettes, finances, mental health, the benefits of being smoke-free, dealing with pressure, building confidence and resilience.

There’s a focus on active group tasks, group discussion, links to video clips, game based activities and printable resources to allow staff to develop lessons relevant to the learning needs of the young people you work with.

It also explores youth work’s role in engaging young people to stay smoke-free, and supporting young people to quit smoking, highlighting resources and strategies to enable youth workers to confidently discuss smoking with the young people they work with.

Young people, e-cigarettes and vaping

Nicotine Vaping Products (NVPs or e-cigarettes) are becoming increasingly popular in Scotland. There are particular considerations for schools and settings engaging with young people on this issue. Take a look at our simple guide for schools on e-cigs and vaping and visit our young people and vaping page for more information and resources.
Vaping (1)

Recognition and accreditation for schools

Become a tobacco-free school

Our ten step guide guides schools  through the process of creating a health promoting smoke-free policy . By downloading the tobacco-free schools pack you'll find the tools and guidance you need to work towards tobacco-free school status.

Sign the Charter

Scottish schools who take steps towards becoming smoke-free can gain recognition for their efforts by becoming a supporter of Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation. Supporting the Charter shows your school’s support for creating a tobacco-free generation by 2034.


Get support with quitting smoking

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Support someone who is quitting

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Parents and carers

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Get inspired

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