Training, Resources and Support for Young People

ASH Scotland works with groups and organisations engaging children, families and young people, from community youth groups and family support services, through to schools and fostering agencies. 

There are a number of ways that we can help reduce the harm that smoking causes to young people and to help those wishing to quit smoking. Our Engagement team is here to help everyone to enjoy the benefits of living smoke-free. Keep reading below for the list of ways we can help young people and the communities they live in.

We have a focus on reducing inequality through encouraging, informing and enabling young people to live a life free from tobacco.


Our Engagement Team are here to support you and your organisation. Visit our Training, Resources and Support for Young People page to see how we can help you.

Children and Families

Pocket guide for discussing second-hand smoke with families

An activities and resources pack enabling you to run a session talking to parents about second-hand smoke and creating a smoke-free home. Download the trainers' pack at

Second-hand smoke workshops to parents

We have a range of online training for organisations supporting children and families. In particular, the second-hand smoke eLearning will equip you with the knowledge to deliver second-hand smoke workshops for parents. Find this and other modules at

Training and eLearning

This provides parents and families with information on second-hand smoke plus tips and helpful hint on how to create a smoke-free home and car. Download the booklet at

Smoke-free homes booklet for parents

This guide is for early years and family support workers. It is designed to increase practitioners' confidence in raising the issue of second-hand smoke and smoke-free homes with the families. Download the guide at

Talking to teens about smoking

This short resource, supported by Children 1st, aims to leave parents and carers feeling more confident in discussing smoking with the young people in their care. Download this resource at

Posters and Infographics

We have various posters and infographics to be used by organisations working with children, parents and families:

Young People and Education

Activities and resources for secondary schools

ASH Scotland's tobacco-free schools resources are linked to the Curriculum for Excellence and include a range of practical tools to deliver high quality education on smoking, health and wellbeing.

Download at

Activities and resources for youth work settings

This pack provides youth workers with information about smoking and activities designed to incorporate smoking within wider health and wellbeing objectives.

Mental Health

Young people, smoking and mental health

We are working with youth services in Scotland to explore how we can support young people’s mental health and wellbeing by addressing smoking. If you would like to know more about this or would like to be involved, please visit our webpage at

Smoking and mental health medication

Starting or stopping smoking affects the way some medication is metabolised in the body. As such, quitting or reducing smoking may require a dose adjustment. We have a foldable leaflet highlighting which drugs are affected and how practitioners can respond. Download it at

  • Our Tobacco-free schools resources help schools to get top marks on tobacco.


  • Explore our resources supporting young people to be smoke-free and identify with being happier, fitter, better off.


  • Our guidance and resources for universities and colleges help them to create a smoke-free campus and supports wider goals such as improving attainment, student retention and improving outcomes.


  • We have a free virtual learning package to help those who work with young carers and their families to understand more about how young carers are affected by smoking.


  • We have resources for parents and carers to help discuss smoking with young people, plus advice on protecting your family from tobacco smoke at home and in the car.

For any queries about the content above or to enquire about ways that we can support your organisation, please email to discuss how we can help.

Get support with quitting smoking

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Support someone who is quitting

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Parents and carers

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Get inspired

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