ASH Scotland urges Scottish Government to consider following Australia’s e-cigarette by prescription approach
Health charity ASH Scotland, which is becoming increasingly concerned by the rising vaping epidemic amongst...
Leading respiratory paediatricians urge First Minister to act now to tackle Scotland’s ‘adolescent vaping epidemic’
Leading respiratory paediatricians have issued an appeal to First Minister Humza Yousaf to take urgent...
ASH Scotland urges the Scottish Government to ensure its refreshed Tobacco Action Plan is bold and ambitious
A year on from the publication of the Khan Review, which was drafted by Dr...
Scottish Paediatricians join call for a ban on disposable e-cigarettes
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) is urging the Scottish Government to implement...
ASH Scotland joins WHO’s World No Tobacco Day campaign call for farmers to be supported to grow food instead of tobacco
ASH Scotland is adding its voice to the World Health Organization’s global campaign on World...
63,000 households in Scotland can be lifted out of poverty through quitting tobacco, reveals ASH Scotland
Around 63,000 households in Scotland would no longer experience relative poverty if people are empowered...
ASH Scotland calls for increased stop smoking support for Scotland’s poorest communities
ASH Scotland is calling for increased smoking cessation support in communities experiencing multiple-deprivation,as new analysis...
ASH Scotland concerned about Health and Wellbeing Census findings suggesting huge upsurge in teenage vaping
Health charity ASH Scotland is deeply concerned at latest figures suggesting that regular e-cigarette use...
ASH Scotland urges Scottish Government to increase cessation support for 730,000 Scots who smoke
Health charity urges Scottish Government to increase cessation support for 730,000Scots who smoke, following dramatic...