What we do

We are a charity working to bring about a healthier Scotland, free from the harms of tobacco and related products.

There are many ways that using products manufactured by tobacco companies affect the everyday lives of people and those around them.

Have a wander through our website to read about the various ways we work with the Scottish Government, regional NHS health boards and local communities across Scotland to inform and empower people to live tobacco-free lives.


Providing information about the impacts of tobacco on health and inequality

ASH Scotland provides a wealth of information and statistics on smoking.

Take a look at our range of evidence-based factsheets, briefings, policies and reports about the impacts of tobacco and related products in Scotland.


Engaging children, young people
and families

ASH Scotland works with schools, youth organisations and community groups to create resources that fully inform children and young people about how to improve their health by avoiding smoking or using tobacco related products.

Schools and youth organisations can get involved in helping to make healthier environments and communities by contacting us to support Scotland's Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation.

Campaigning to improve Scotland's health, wellbeing and environment

Physical and mental health, personal finances and Scotland's environment are all negatively impacted by tobacco and related products.

We're at the forefront of raising public awareness about these harms through our annual No Smoking Day and World No Tobacco Day campaigning, the increasingly popular #BanDisposableVapes campaign with our environmental and public health partners, and as a leading member of NCD Alliance Scotland.

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Reducing health inequalities

Smoking is a major contributor to health inequalities. Did you know that smoking rates in Scotland's most deprived communities are 3.5 times higher than in the least deprived?

At ASH Scotland, we work to provide a range of information, resources and training to enable organisations to address smoking and improve the health and wellbeing of the communities they support.

Addressing smoking and mental health

Were you aware that there is a strong link between smoking and mental health?

We work with mental health organisations to educate staff and volunteers about the positive effects quitting smoking can have on people they support, and we'd like to see more NHS Scotland stop smoking services providing accessible person-centred support for this vulnerable group in society.


Our impact

Learn about our history and the impact we've made across Scotland.

Contact us

Got a query or want to share your concerns about tobacco and related products? Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by clicking the button below!