The law on smoking

Smoke-free perimeters

Smoke-free perimeter legislation was brought into effect in Scotland in 2022. The law made it an offence to smoke with in 15 meters of an NHS hospital building.

Under theĀ regulations, anyone who smokes in the 15 perimeter could be faced with either

  • a Ā£50 on-the-spot penalty (reduced to Ā£30 if paid within 15 days), or
  • a Ā£1,000 fine if the offence leads to prosecution

Smoke drift

  • Exposure to tobacco smoke drift in the home is a serious nuisance and may cause health problems
  • The Scottish smoke-free legislation does notĀ cover homes (except where they are also workplaces), common stairs (except where work is undertaken on the premises), landings, doorways or outside spaces
  • Local authority environmental health officers have a duty to investigate but smoke drift is very resource-intensive to prove
  • Smoke drift can be reduced but not eliminated
  • Maintaining good relations with neighbours is the best way of working towards a solution.

Training opportunities

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The tobacco industry

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