Scotland's Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation
ASH Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation is an initiative helping reduce the harms caused by tobacco and related products and contributing towards achieving the goal of a tobacco-free generation in Scotland by 2034.
The Charter has had a refresh. Keep reading to learn more about the changes and how you can get involved!

How the Charter works
Scotland has a goal of creating a tobacco-free generation by 2034. This means that fewer than 5% of adults in all communities will be smoking, and the vast majority of people across the country will be living tobacco-free lives.
By joining ASH Scotland's Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation, your organisation will be helping your community and the country to achieve this goal, and support the wellbeing of the people you work with.
Sign up to the Charter today! You'll receive a welcome pack with info on how to choose and fulfill your selected pledges and resources to help your organisation to support the Charter’s principles.

Charter principles
Scotland has a goal of creating a tobacco-free generation by 2034, meaning that communities across the country will have a smoking rate of 5% or less.
Charter supporters are helping to the country to make progress towards the goal through taking positive actions to endorse the following principles:
- Everyone should be able to learn, work and live in places that are smoke and aerosol free.
- Children have the right to be protected from the harmful effects of tobacco and related products and to live and play in clean air spaces.
- Children and young people should be equipped with information and effective education about health, tobacco and related products.
- Young people should be protected from commercial interests who profit from causing harm and recruiting individuals into nicotine addiction.
- Everyone should have access to free and accessible support to help them to quit tobacco and nicotine addiction.
Make a pledge
More than 500 organisations across the country support ASH Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation. Endorsing the Charter is free and a great way to show your organisation's commitment to creating healthier communities.
Becoming a Charter Supporter is easy:
- Enter a few details about your organisation on our online form.
- Pledge two actions that your organisation will take to improve the wellbeing of people you work with by addressing smoking (we have actions you can choose from).
- Access advice, support and resources from ASH Scotland to help you to deliver on your pledges.
We will send you a welcome pack telling you about ways to get involved with the Charter, resources and support available to help realise your pledges.
You can contact us by emailing
Charter tiers
When signing up to the Charter you would have chosen to either be a Charter Supporter or a Charter Champion. This was designed to give organisations an option to choose your level of contact and involvement in the charter depending on how much capacity and/or time your organisation has available.
Charter Supporter
- Pledge some actions that your
organisation will take. - Commit to feedback on progress.
- Opportunity to promote your work.
- Access to support and advice from
ASH Scotland’s engagement team. - Receive our quarterly e-newsletter
Charter Champion
- Pledge some actions that your
organisation will take. - Commit to feedback on progress.
- Opportunity to promote your work
- Access to support and advice from
ASH Scotland’s engagement team. - Receive our quarterly e-newsletter.
- Given opportunities to join charter
events and webinars. - Join the charter hub (a platform to
ask questions, access resources and
share best practice). - Given opportunities to join short-life
working groups, consultations or
take part in test to learn pilots.
Why support the Charter?
The Charter helps organisations that are invested in the health and wellbeing of people in their communities to tackle the harms caused by using tobacco or related products.

- Most adults who smoke started smoking as children, before the age of 18.
- Almost 9,000 deaths are attributed to smoking in Scotland each year, accounting for 16% of all Scottish deaths (2022).
- There are 88,779 smoking-related hospital admissions every year in Scotland, equating to 1,707 a week, 243 a day or 10 admissions an hour (2022).
- On average, people who are life-long smokers (i.e. those who start early in adult life and never stop) die about 10 years sooner than non-smokers.

Smoking rates in the most deprived areas of Scotland are three and a half times higher than in the least deprived.
- If the smoking rate in the 20% most deprived areas of Scotland fell by just 1%, in not buying tobacco, Scotland’s poorest communities would save around £16 million a year (2023).
- The average financial cost to someone in Scotland who smokes 20 cigarettes a day is £332 a month, or £3,979 a year (2024).
- 32% of deaths in Scotland's most deprived areas were from smoking-attributable causes, compared with 9% of deaths in the least deprived areas (2022).

- Around two-thirds of people in Scotland who smoke would like to stop.
- At least a third of tobacco is used by people with a diagnosed mental health issue.
- Stopping smoking is associated with improvements in depression, stress and anxiety.
- It's a common belief that smoking helps people relax. What can feel like stress relief, is usually relief from nicotine withdrawal and it sustains the cycle of addiction over time.