Policies and reports

Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Our CEO, Sheila Duffy welcomed the progress on the Tobacco And Vapes Bill at the oral evidence session for the UK Parliament's public bills committee on 7 January 2025.

Click the button below to watch the full evidence session that includes the 3 ASH organisations and Cancer Focus Northern Ireland.

Read the evidence we submitted to the UK Parliament Public Bill Committee.

Tobacco and Vapes Bill Legislative Consent Memorandum

ASH Scotland gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport
Committee for the Tobacco and Vapes Bill Legislative Consent Memorandum. Read our support for the Draft Legislative Consent Memorandum and motion lodged by the Scottish Government below.

Previous UK Government's Tobacco and Vapes Bill

Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) (Scotland) Regulations 2024

ASH Scotland were invited to share their views on the Environmental Protection (Single-use Vapes) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 by the Scottish Parliament’s Net Zero, Energy and Transport Committee. Read our response to questions posed in the Committee’s letter.

The Scottish Government's framework, action plan and strategy

Tobacco and Vaping Framework: Roadmap to 2034

(November 2023)

To reach the goal of a tobacco-free generation in Scotland by 2034, the Scottish Government published its Tobacco and Vaping Framework: Roadmap to 2034 in November 2023.

The Framework, which provides direction for next 10 years with a series of action-focused two-year implementation periods, will enable Scotland to be responsive to the novel nicotine and tobacco products which emerge.

Actions include improving cessation services and routes for support, a campaign to deter youth vaping, and consideration of the responses to the 'Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping' consultation held by the UK Government in conjunction with the devolved administrations at the end of 2023.

Raising Scotland’s Tobacco Free Generation 

(June 2018)

A five-year plan for action focusing on our tobacco-free generation. The long-term goal is for the young people of this generation to be truly tobacco-free when they turn 21 in 2034.

This action plan demonstrates the Scottish Government's commitment to new Public Health Priorities which include an ambition for a Scotland free from the harms caused by alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Actions include legislating to restrict smoking around hospital buildings, banning tobacco in prisons, establishing the new national stop-smoking service brand and running the final phase of the stop-smoking media campaign: Getting Through 72.

Creating a tobacco-free generation -  A Tobacco Control Strategy for Scotland

(March 2013)

Effective tobacco control is central to realising the right to life and the right to the highest attainable standard of health for everyone in Scotland. It recognises that people deserve to live in a nation free from the harms caused by tobacco, where people choose not to smoke and enjoy longer, healthier lives. This strategy has been developed with input from NHS Scotland, COSLA, the Third Sector and the research community and sets out the next steps on Scotland’s journey to becoming tobacco-free.

Smoking cesssation

A guide to smoking cessation in Scotland

This comprehensive guide includes planning and providing specialist smoking cessation services, helping people to stop smoking, practitioners flowchart, a guide to smoking cessation harm reduction and brief interventions.

Click the button below to access the latest 'How to stop smoking' booklet .

ASH Scotland reports

Smoking and Mental Health


Evidence to show that stopping smoking is associated with improvements in depression, anxiety, stress and psychological quality of life compared with continuing to smoke.

We commissioned this report in 2022 to provide an overview of smoking and mental health in Scotland; to share learning from policy and practice; and to present recommendations which aim to close the inequality gap and build a tobacco-free generation by 2034.

Our approach to tackling the interplay of smoking and mental health must ensure those who are experiencing mental health issues are protected and empowered to make informed decisions about their wellbeing.

Young People, Mental Health and Smoking


Research commissioned by ASH Scotland found that many young people are not aware of the negative impact smoking can have on mental health and wellbeing. It is not something routinely included in smoking prevention education and there is a lack of accessible information on the topic.

As a result, the Engagement team at ASH Scotland commissioned a consultation to explore smoking, young people and mental health. This was conducted by YouthBorders and Lothian Association of Youth Clubs.

The recommendations from this report detail how youth services in Scotland can be supported to enhance young people’s health and wellbeing through addressing smoking.

Literature review: Young people and e-cigarettes


ASH Scotland conducted a literature review of the current evidence regarding young people and e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes have been the focus of substantially increased attention by members of the public, media outlets, public health advocates, policymakers and elected representatives during the last couple of years due to their rising popularity among young people.

This report evaluates the impacts of e-cigarettes on children and young people, provides insights into the topics listed below and suggests recommendations for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Consultation responses

Find our responses to recent consultations below

Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping

Mandating quit information messages inside tobacco packs

We have several e-learning courses and downloadable resources about tobacco and related products on our dedicated e-learning website.

The tobacco industry

Learn about the importance of WHO's FCTC Article 5.3 in preventing tobacco industry interference in the development of health policies.

Smoking harms

Tobacco is the biggest cause of cancer worldwide. Find out more about the harms of smoking.